Throckmorton Royal Ancestry - Tree
Throckmorton Royal Ancestry - Tree
King of England Henry II
5 MAR 1133/34 - 6 Jul 1189
1 spouse 1 child
Eleanor of Aquitaine
King of England John Lackland
Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou Geoffrey Plantagenet
24 Aug 1113 - 7 Sep 1151
Empress Matilda
ABT 7 FEB 1102/03 - 10 Sep 1167
2 spouses 1 child
Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou Geoffrey Plantagenet
King of England Henry II
Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany Henry V
King of England Henry I
abt 1068 - 1 Dec 1135
Queen Consort of England Matilda of Scotland
1080 - 1 May 1118
King of England William the Conqueror
abt 1028 - 9 Sep 1087
Queen of England Matilda of Flanders
abt 1032 - 2 Nov 1083
Malcolm III of Scotland
- 13 Nov 1093
Scottish Queen Margaret of Wessex
abt 1045 - 16 Nov 1093
Duke of Normandy Robert I
Count of Flanders Baldwin V
Adela of France
Created on 9 May 2023.
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