Throckmorton Royal Ancestry - Tree
Throckmorton Royal Ancestry - Tree
Count of Flanders Baldwin V
19 Aug 1012 - 1 Sep 1067
1 spouse 1 child
Adela of France
Queen of England Matilda of Flanders
Count of Flanders Baldwin IV
980 - 30 May 1035
Ogive of Luxembourg
4 Sep 995 - 21 FEB 1030/31
Count of Flanders Arnulf II
960 - 30 Mar 987
Count of Flanders Baldwin III
abt 940 - 962
Countess of Flanders Matilda of Saxony
BET 935 AND 942 - 25 May 1008
Count of Flanders Arnulf I
Created on 9 May 2023.
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