Transcription of David Mapps' Will 1835 by John H. Yates, September 5, 2023 found at: = = = = = David Mapps Will. I David Mapps of the township of Little Eggharbour in the County of Burlington and State of New Jersey being of sound mind & memory but considering the uncertainty of this mortal life I do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following to Wit 1st I order that all my past debts and funeral charges be paid by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. 2nd I give and bequeath unto Joseph Sulsey his heirs and assigns the following tract of land beginning at a [pine?] tree or stone lettered [4.] R.S. being corner to a tract of land surveyed to Robert Smith Survey[or?] general by a Road from Johnsons to Burlington and runs from then[ce?] (1) North twenty six degrees and ten minutes west eighteen chains and seventy links to a white oake and stone (2) north sixty degrees and for[ty?] minutes east twenty three chains to Cakesprote Branch (3) down said branch the several courses thereof to a stake by Johnsons mill pond being the eighth corner of a survey made to Jonathan Johnson for twenty-seven acres and a quarter dated 26th day of the seventh month 1785 and recorded in Lib J folio 350 and from thence to the beginning [be?] the same in acres more or less together with all the improvements thereon and all the privileges and [profits?] thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining as part or parcel thereof and also one half of the Cedar timber in Joel Sulseys tract. 3rd I give and bequeath unto Joel Sulsey his heirs and assigns the following tract of land Beginning at a stone in Nicholas Sooys [???] along the road leading from Johnsons [????] to Sooy [????] and runs thence (1) down the road ten chains to a Stone (2) south forty eight degrees west to a Stone by the edge of the cedar swamp (3) [??] by the edge of the cedar swamps two chains (4) south forty eight degrees west to Mullica River (5) up the river to Nicholas Sooys line, or [banks?] [??????] (6) up Nicholas Sooys line to the said road the place of beginning the cedar timber that I have give[n] to Joseph Sulsey excepted. 4th I give and bequeath to my three nephews viz Charles Still Anthony Still and Joseph Still and their heirs and assigns that plantations that I lately purchased of them and their father lying in the County of Monmouth township of Dover in East Jersey not as joint tenants but as tenants in common and I reserve the privelege for their father and mother to live on said plantation during their lives. 5th I give and bequeath to Rachel Barclay of Philadelphia daughter of Hannah Williams of Mount Holly [????] the interest of five hundred dollars during her life time and after her decease the five hundred dollars principal to her heirs forever. 6th I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Anna Mapps such of my households good and furniture as she may choose to keep for herself together with one hundred dollars in cash. 7th It is my will and I order that all the residue and remainder of my Estate both [Real?] and personal that is not given away by this will _the School house lot excepted_ whatsoever or wheresoever to be found be sold by my Executors hereinafter named at public [?????] or otherwise as my said executors shall think best whom I hereby give full power and lawfull authority to to sell and convey the same in as [?????] and lawfull manner as I myself could have done in my lifetime hereby ratifying and conferring whatsoever my said Executors may lawfully do in and the premises it being my will and request that my said Executors make sale of my homestead plantation be sold seperately from my other land at such time when they can obtain the best price therefore said plantation being bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a Stone baring north fifty degrees west ten chains from a pine stump it being the 9th corner of a survey of 150 acres made to Robert Smith 26th day of October 1776 and runs thence (1) south fifty degrees east ten chains to a pine sapling lettered S by the north side of the road from Sooys to Matthias Johnsons (2) North eighty five degrees east eleven chains and fifty links to a pine lettered R S by a road from Johnsons to Burlington (3) south seventy five degrees east seventeen chains to the run called Cakesprote (4) down the said run bordering theron the several [courses?] therof to Little Eggharbour River (5) up said river the several courses therof to the mouth of a small creek called the line creek a little below the mouth of pine creek on the opposite side of said river (6) a straight course to the place of beginning. 8th It is my will and I hereby order my said Executors that all the money arising from the sale of my estate to be kept at interest secured safe by Bond Mortgage &c and applyed for the following purposes - which is to say that my said wife Anna Mapps have and receive out of the said fund two hundred dollars yearly and every year during her life, in half yearly payments, Likewise should my said wife Anna have any issue by me to be supported and educated under the care and gardeanship of their mother in a [plane?] comfortable manner until they arrive at lawful age out of said funds. 9th I give and bequeath unto said issue when arrive at lawful age do heir and receive all and every of my Estate in cash Bond Mortgage or otherwise which is not otherwise disposed of in this my will - reserving therefrom my said wife Anna yearly payment for a during the remainder of her life, unto said issue their heirs and assigns forever. 10th But in case my said wife Anna should not have any such issue by me or such issue should decease before they arrive at lawful age leaving no heirs to inheret said Estate, then in that case it is my will and I order my said Executors to dispose of said funds remaining and not expenses as before ordered, to be app[l]yed by them in the following manner which is to say that in case there should be no such issue then and in that case the several [Legetees?] hereafter named to have and receive from my said Executors their said Legesees hereafter named as soon as conv[i]ently [????] be after my decease - But in case there should be such issue and such issue should decease before they arrive at lawful age without having any heir to inheret said estate then and in that case that my said Executors at the decease of said issue do pay said Legesees in manner and form as here directed. 11th I give and bequeath unto Catharine Vandyke, Charity [????] Margaret Martin, and the heirs of [Aleshy Hurley?] Dec'd the bond and Mortgage that I hold against Henry Vandyke dated 29th day of May 1828 to be divided in form equal parts betwixt them and to their heirs. 12th I give and bequeath unto Solomon Mapps one hundred dollars & to his h[eirs?]. 13th I give and bequeath after reserving from said fund sufficient for my said wife Ann yearly payment of two hundred dollars all and every of the remainder of said funds belonging to my estate and not otherwise appropriated or expended unto the heirs of George Sulsey, Charles Sulsey, and Asa Sulsey, David Bustle, Sarah Douglas daughter of Robert and Grace Douglas, George Martin son of [Eliaz?] Martin, and the heirs of [???????] Des'd daughter of Anthony Still, to be divided in Seven shares or par[ts?] which is to say one share to the heirs of George Sulsy, one share to the heir of Charles Sulsy, one share to the heirs of Asa Sulsy, one share to David Bustle one share to Sarah Douglas, one share to George Martin and one share to the heirs of Ann [Trusty?] Des'd - Likewise at the decease of my wife Anna whatsoever of said funds remaining unexpended to be divided amongst the several Legatees as above specified. 14th And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said wife Anna Mapps Executria together with Timothy Pharo, William S. Lippencott and Elihu Mathis, my lawful and sole Executors and Executrias of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disallowing all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty five 1835 Signed Sealed published and declared by the said David Mapps to be his last will and testament in the presence of Joseph Mc[C?]ullow David Mapps [??] Jos [W?] Pharo Ezra Lippincott The State of New Jersey Burlington County [??] Joseph W. Pharo one of the witnesses to the foregoing Will alledging himself to be concientiously scrupulous of taking an oath and being duly affirmed according to Law, did diclear and say that he saw David Mapps the Testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the within writing to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as this affirm and knows and as he verily believes and that Joseph McCullow and Ezra Lippincott the other subscribing evidences were present at the same time and signed their names as witnesses to the said will together with this affirmant in the presence of the said testator Affirmed at Mount Holly the 27th day of February AD 1838 before me Jos W. Pharo Chas M. Harker Surrogate The State of New Jersey Burlington County [??] Anne Mapps, Timothy Pharo & William S. Lippincott Executors in the within instrument named severally alledging themselves to be conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath and being duly affirmed according to Law did declare and say that the within instrument contains the true last will and testament of David Mapps the testator therein named so far as they know and as they verily believe that they will well and truly perform the same by paying first the debts of the said deceased and then the legatees in the said testament specified so far as the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased can thereunto [????] and that they will make and exhibit into the [prerogative?] office at Trenton a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased that have or shall come to their knowledge as possessions or to the possession of any other person or persons for their use and render a just and true account where thereunto lawfully required Affirmed at Mount Holly the 27th day of Anne Mapps February AD 1838 before me Timothy Pharo Chas M. Harker Surrogate Wm S. Lippincott LS I Cha's M. Harker Surrogate of the County of Burlington do certify the annexed to be a true copy of the last will and testament of David Mapps late of the County of Burlington deceased and that Anne Mapps Timothy Pharo and William S. Lippicott of the County of Burlington the Executors therein named proved the same before me and are duly authorized to take upon themselves the [?????] of the Estate of the Testator agreeably to said Will Witness My hand and Seal of Office the twenty seventh day of February in the year of our Lorg one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight Cha's Harker Ex'd For renunciation of Elihu Mathis as one of the Executors of D. Mapps see page 350.