Transcription of David Mapps' Inventory 1838 by John H. Yates, September 4, 2023 found at: (David Mapps Inventory. Link to first of 2 pages): = = = = = A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of David Mapps late of Tuckerton in the County of Burlington and State of New Jersey made by us whose names are hereunto subscribed the 19th dah of February AD 1838 Wearing apparel 12.00 Household goods 185.35 Beef, Pork, flour [barrels?] 18.25 Waggons, plows & odther implements of husbandry 68.63 Corn in Crib 12.00 Poultry 3.00 [Lot?] Shingles 5.00 Green corn 15.00 1 [Scow?] 15.00 Tubs & Kegs 9.50 3 Horses & Harnesses 42.50 11 Cattle 143.00 Swine 7.00 Sheep 4.00 Obligations [estimated?] goods principal and interest including two notes of [???] against John Richard $500 = Each one due the 15th June next & lthe other the 15th June 1839 without interest 4736.46 ------- 5276.69 Notes [of hand?] doubtful 274.13 Ditto " " [De????] 210.68 Appraised by us the day & year above written Elihu Mathis Jos W. Pharo The State of New Jersey Burlington County [SS?] Joseph W. Pharo one of the appraisers of the within Inventory alleging himself to be conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath and being duly affirmed according to Law did declare and say that the goods chattels and credits in the said Inventory set down and specified [here?] by him appraised according to their just and true respective rates and value after the best of his judgment & understanding and that Elihu Mathis the other appraiser present at the same time and [???] in all things to the doing thereof and that they appraised all things that were brought to their view for appraisement Affirmed Feby 27th AD 1838 before me Jos W. Pharo Chas M. Harker Surrogate The State of new Jersey Burlington County [SS?] Anne Mapps, Timothy Pharo and William L. Lippincott Executors of the last will and testament of the within named David Mapps deceased severally alledging themselves to be conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath and being duly affirmed according to Law do declare and say that wth within writing contains a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the goods chattels and credits of the said decease as far as have come to their knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for dtheir use Affirmed the 27th day of Anne Mapps February AD 1838 before me Timothy Pharo Chas M. Harker Surrogate Wm L. Lippincott